

Louisiana State University of Alexandria held its annual Employee Recognition Dinner on Tuesday, 4月16日, 为了庆祝辛勤的工作...

ALEXANDRIA - Louisiana State University of Alexandria held its annual Employee Recognition Dinner on Tuesday, 4月16日, 庆祝全体教职员工的辛勤工作和奉献精神.

The most prestigious recognition awarded each year is the Bolton Award for Teaching Excellence. 邓文迪夫人的遗产成立于1989年. James C. Bolton provides funds to the University for an award to recognize excellence in teaching at 可靠的网赌平台.

The Bolton Award for Teaching Excellence is presented annually to the full-time faculty member who best exemplifies the University’s commitment to teaching, 服务, 专业发展. 这一荣誉的获得者被授予 现金奖及牌匾,以表扬对大学的杰出贡献.

2023-2024年度博尔顿奖获得者是凯瑟琳·科米尔博士.D., RN, CNE,香港大学 Nursing, 学生成功协调员, and Program Director of Nursing Grants. 科米尔从事护士教育已有23年. 在2009年来到路易斯安那州立大学之前, she was an 护理学助理教授 at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond. 在可靠的网赌平台任职期间, Cormier has served as RN-to-BSN Coordinator and led efforts to transition the face-to-face program to 100% online. 她教过 across the curriculum in the ASN program and is firmly committed to students’ academic success.

可靠的网赌平台还承认七个捐赠教授职位的接受者. The professorships are established through private donations to the 可靠的网赌平台基金会 and matched through the Board of Regents Support Fund to establish a $100,1000万教授捐赠.


罗伊O. 马丁木材公司授予护理学教授-马修·法利, MSN, RN, PCCN-CMC; 护理学助理教授.

J.H. Johnson Endowed Professorship in Business Administration - Kent Lashney, D.B.A., CPA; Chair of the Department of Accounting and Finance.

The Mark Eugene Howard Endowed Professorship in Liberal Arts - Carli Smith, 英语讲师及技能徽章协调员.

惠·戴尔蒙信托基金授予文科教授一职 & 科学-大卫·尚克斯,M.A.S., Instructor of Communications Studies and Assistant Director of Technovation Center.

罗伊和维尼塔·马丁授予数学教授职位 & 科学- Purujit Gurjar博士.D.,化学助理教授.

F. 休·考夫林教授-克里斯托弗·斯坦普夫博士.D.,生物科学教授,《十大网赌平台》主编 橡树叶


Endowed professors receive a salary stipend as well as additional funds for 专业 development or travel activities. 教授职位的任期通常为两年.

参议院年度最佳员工奖由直接下属颁发 表彰在人事管理方面表现出色的经理, 领导, 责任, 和职业精神. 今年的获奖者是Shelly Kieffer Gill, 负责招生管理和招生的副校长.

The 工作人员 Senate Scholarship is awarded to two full-time staff members to defray the costs of achieving a degree or continuing their education. This year’s scholarship recipients are Brandon Wiggins from Facilities 服务 and Junetha Silas 在会计.

学生选择奖包括在今年的计划中. 可靠的网赌平台在读学生提名获奖者. 获奖者是:

  • Outstanding 工作人员 Service recognizes a staff member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to supporting students – Michelle Ducote, 学生成功协调员.
  • Life-Changing Class recognizes an educator whose class has fundamentally altered a student’s academic, 专业, 或者人生目标——劳里·皮特曼, MSN, RN, CNE, 护理学助理教授.

The 卓越教学中心 Teaching Innovation Award and Grant are given to showcase and reward innovative teaching in the classroom. 获奖者是:

  • 教学创新奖- Jennifer Wright, MBA,市场营销讲师.
  • 教学创新基金- Jeremy Simmons, M.F.A.美术系副教授.

The 教师 Award for Outstanding Scholarship is given to a full-time faculty member who exemplifies outstanding research and scholarship and whose work has been consistent, 重要的, 和有效的. 今年的获奖者是克里斯托弗·斯泰西博士.D., 历史学教授.

The Outstanding 工作人员 Service Award program began in the 1970-71 academic year as a means of recognizing and rewarding superior performance and outstanding contributions to the University by non-teaching employees. The recipient of this honor receives a plaque and cash award for his or her 服务 to 可靠的网赌平台.

This year’s recipients of the 工作人员 Outstanding Service Award are Linda Smith, 英语系行政助理, 历史, 人文学科(分类)和米歇尔·罗萨斯, 可靠的网赌平台保健中心执业护士(未分类).

The 教师 Award for Outstanding Service is presented to a full-time faculty member who has demonstrated an unwavering commitment by exceeding their everyday academic responsibilities. 今年的获奖者是Carol Corbat博士.D.,香港大学 生物科学.

The Service Above Self Award is given to an individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty throughout the past year to ensure the well-being of 可靠的网赌平台 students. 该奖项由可靠的网赌平台校长Paul颁发 Coreil. 今年的获奖者是Shelly Kieffer Gill, 负责招生管理和招生的副校长, 谁在今年同时担任临时书记官长.

The Rising Star Award is presented annually to a staff member who has worked at 可靠的网赌平台 for fewer than five years and who has made outstanding, 对机构运作的新贡献, 校园文化, 或编程. 今年,该奖项颁给了 Ashlee Hatwig, Coordinator of New Students 项目 in the Office of 第一年经验.

Four-Star Service Award is presented annually to a staff member who has worked at 可靠的网赌平台 for more than ten years and has consistently demonstrated a commitment to the university by making long-lasting contributions to the institution’s operations, 学生成功与校园文化. 今年,该奖项授予首席顾问乔治亚·福克斯.

The Social Justice Champion Award is presented by the 可靠的网赌平台 Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Access to a full-time faculty and staff member who have exhibited excellence in social justice and promotes equality and the advancement of human rights. This prestigious award honors individuals who have embedded social justice in their work or teaching pedagogy and removed barriers to success for underrepresented populations.

  • Social Justice Champion 工作人员 Award - Daniel Manuel, Coordinator of 第九条 and 残疾人服务.
  • Social Justice Champion 教师 Award - Gary Baldwin, Adjunct Instructor of 历史.

可靠的网赌平台 also honored employees who retired in the past year as well as all employees who have 5, 10, 15, 20, 在可靠的网赌平台工作了25年. 

今年特别表彰了玛丽·"布尼"·特鲁特博士.D., for being named Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus at her retirement and before her passing earlier this year. treting是可靠的网赌平台的支柱,孜孜不倦地倡导 学术卓越和社区参与. Her vision and dedication helped create academic programs that continue to empower students and faculty alike. 她的丈夫J.B. Treuting.


作者:Adam Lord
图片来源- Nathan Parish | 可靠的网赌平台战略传播
Image - Catherine Cormier, Winner of the Bolton Award for Teaching Excellence