Directory Information

Directory information is information contained in an educational record of a student that generally would not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. This information may be released to anyone without the consent of the student, unless the student indicates otherwise, except to the extent that FERPA authorized disclosure without permission.

Louisiana State University at Alexandria has established the following as directory information and it may be released to those requesting it, unless the student specifically requests otherwise by submitting written notification to the Office of the University Registrar.

  1. Name, mailing address, telephone listing, and campus e-mail address.
  2. State of residence
  3. Major field of study, including the college, division, department, or program in which the student is enrolled
  4. Classification as a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student, or by number referring to such cases
  5. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  6. Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  7. Dates of attendance and graduation and degrees received
  8. The most recent educational institution attended
  9. Honors and awards received, including selection to a Dean's list or honorary organization and the grade point average required to achieve the honor or award
  10. Photographic, video, or electronic images of students taken and maintained by the University
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